HopeNet (HopeNetCISO.com) curates a list of recent security news relevant to churches, nonprofits, and charities. The headlines and comments are meant to provide enough to get an overview of recent happenings,  but links are also provided for readers that want to explore certain topics deeper.


  • Unpatchable Apple Chip Vulnerability – Apple M1, M2, and M3 chips are impacted.  While there is a patch for the M3 chip, the M1 and M2 chips are UNPATCHABLE at this time.  While this is a complex hack to pull off, it is not impossible for more sophisticated attackers. Suggestions:
    • This does require that you download malware from the Apple store, so care in what you download is warranted.  
    • Any high value passwords such as crypto wallets should be removed from these devices.  
    • Use strong MFA on these accounts.  (Strong MFA does NOT use SMS, but rather a physical token, authenticator application, Yubikey, biometrics, etc.)
  • Dramatic increases in cyber threat indicators in 2024 from 2023.

Business Disruption


Software and Plugins

Social Engineering:

Data Loss

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