A couple of good reads to start for anyone that has cyber insurance.  Be sure you are doing your part so that you don’t put your ability to make a claim at risk.  Also, NIST provides new guidance on passwords that is surprising to many.  Finally, an HR malware scam is both clever and scary!


Cyber Attacks

Vulnerabilities, Malware, & Patches

Phishy Phirewalls – the lighter side of IT! 

From the Horse’s Mouth: Cybersecurity Pros’ Favorite InfoSec Quotes – This week, a link to Information Security quotes!  A couple of my favorites:

  • “Don’t pet strange dogs.” In other words, if you do not KNOW that link is safe, don’t click on it.
  • “Given the choice between dancing pigs and security, users will pick dancing pigs every time.”

HopeNet (HopeNetCISO.com) reviews a variety of security news sources so you do not have to! This list is curated specifically for churches, nonprofits, and other Organizations of Hope. The headlines and our added comments are meant to provide enough to get an overview of recent happenings, but links are also provided for readers that want to explore certain topics deeper.  

If this was shared with you and you would like to receive a copy directly to your email, please subscribe at HopeNetCISO.com.  Also, check out the Services section of our site for ways we can help! Thanks for reading!